“Joyas Voladoras”
The second assignment for “Joyas Voladoras” is on p. 276, Question #4, (p. 150, I believe, in Edition 10),”Questions for a Second Reading”. The first part is about transitions and [what the editors call] “characteristic” sentences, paragraphs, moments in Doyle’s writing, basically; the second part, or “exercise” asks you to be imitative and creative, now translating Doyle into your own creative sentence (think of syntax; rhythm; tone, as possibilities) and eventual topic for paper #1 (if you choose to elaborate on this topic).
(a) Choose a sentence (or two) from “Joyas Voladoras”; copy it down.
(b) Then, staying close to Doyle’s use of language, tone, syntax, write a sentence of your own. Remember to stay as close as you can to subtleties such as punctuation; tone (factual? emotive?) – and create your own “Doyle-like” sentence of your own topic. You may choose more than one sentence.